There’s nothing quite like being ill for making you stop and contemplate life. I’ve been hammered with tonsillitis for the last few days. After going to Joseph’s leaving drinks on Saturday night (Joseph is one of the German doctors here) I woke up on Sunday morning feeling terrible. It clearly wasn’t a hangover. I’ve had sore throats before but the fever that went with it was horrible. During Sunday night and Monday I spent long periods shivering violently even though I also felt hot. What kept going through my mind was “malaria”. A malaria test at a clinic on Monday morning produced a negative result and the doctor diagnosed tonsillitis. I felt relieved, and after an awful Monday of sweating, painful swallowing and shivering, I’ve started to feel better with the help of antibiotics. Fortunately there’s a new clinic close by, so despite being in one of the five poorest countries in the world I could still get medical help. I wouldn’t want to get seriously ill though as the facilities are basic. The drugs are cheap but as they are made in
Mekdes, our day “guard”, has been concerned about our health. She keeps saying the Amharic word for “ill”, which is a word I’ll have to learn to say, and has given us concerned looks for the last three mornings. For the last few mornings she has also bought bananas for us. Natural medicine.
Gill has been off work for a couple of days with a similar thing. I think our lack of health is a reflection of our lack of satisfaction with our work situation. I just don’t think we are particularly valued at the college. People say they want us to “help” but usually lack any specific ideas about what they want from us, or show any sense of commitment to get what they can from our time here to make some things better. It really is as if so many people have been so mired in apathy and a sense of helplessness that the capacity for self improvement simply doesn’t exist in most people. One of Gill’s colleagues today mentioned that her father was a teacher, and was murdered by the Mengistu regime. Apart from one or two colleagues, working at
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