Thursday, March 23, 2006

I actually did something useful today! I did the “icebreaker” for the start of Gill’s HD session this afternoon. Now that I officially work for Debub College I have to get my head around work again. Participating in Gill’s session provided enough stimulation and adrenalin to get me motivated and active. The sooner I start with my own group the better. Today’s session was on learning styles and how they can adapt their teaching to take account of the learning preferences of their students (VAK, Gardner, etc). The longer I spend here delving into Ethiopian education the more I reflect on my teaching at home. There’s a lot of improvement I could make to my own practice!

Observed a physics lesson this morning. A 2nd year diploma class were being taught SHM and wave motion. Just as I experienced yesterday, I enjoyed the mental stimulation while also being interested in how the lesson was conducted. The teacher was very good and didn’t just talk at his students, despite having a class of 56 in a room not much bigger than my previous classroom at home. As usual the resources were blackboard and white chalk. There are no wall displays anywhere in the college. I suggested to the Dean that they use the outside walls of some of the buildings for murals. I’ve seen a school where they have a giant periodic table, a map of the solar system and a map of Africa painted on the outside walls.

My digestive system is starting to behave itself again after several days of sounding like a central heating system with an airlock in it. The diarrhoea has stopped. Just waiting for normal service to resume.