Yet another trip to
Saying goodbye to Emma, Amanda and Michael was a bit sad. We came here together, bonded during in-country training, have crossed paths two or three times in the last year or so and now they are done, finished, heading home for good. Unfortunately Amanda & Michael had problems with their employers and have decided to leave early, and Emma has been clobbered with illness (malaria twice) so much she feels she has given enough, despite having a good experience.
I met with my new programme manager and clarified that I feel committed to my work and what can be achieved enough to want to stay until the end of the next semester (Feb 08). Gill has made it clear to VSO that they need to help her get the college sorted out with using her properly or she is off in July. However, there may be enough of other bits and pieces which make good use of her skills for her to stay until Feb as well. The next month should hopefully see some progress.
As usual, we came back from Addis on a bit of a high. This also, as usual, turned into a crashing low for a couple of days. Yesterday evening I could have cried with a pent up mixture of frustration, lack of demand at work, tiredness and simply needing a break from dealing with being here. Today has been the complete opposite. After a low energy start while visiting a school my mood and energy picked up during the afternoon. Sometimes the extreme emotional roller coaster leaves me exhausted! Some stability would be appreciated, as would a reduction in the appalling heat of the last few days.
My colleague, Meleshew, was unable to do some lesson observations while I was away as all of the key teachers have been summoned by the government to be data collectors for the census which starts this month. At home, a form is sent to every household, here people have to actually visit every household. With a population of approx 80 million and most people living more than two days walk from a road, that’s a big task.
I’m hoping to get involved with some other bits and pieces of work as well as my main role of in-service training for teachers. I want to organize a regular get-together with the students on the physics degree course to practice problem solving, explore contemporary issues, etc. I’m also trying to organize a trial of a Grade 7 Physics textbook developed by a previous VSO vol but not tested with teachers and students. Hopefully useful to all and stimulating for me.
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