Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year, except we're already three days into it! As with Xmas day, New Years Day was just an ordinary day here. The frustrations at work have seemed a wee bit easier to deal with this week, in part because I think I've learned something already about trying to see a situation from somebody elses shoes instead of wanting things to change to a way I think is better. Also, I held what turned out to be a very useful and informative meeting with my Cluster Unit counterparts to examine our roles, and check my understanding of them. It turns out that the person everyone had described as the "boss" and being "in charge" of the unit, isn't in fact. He just acts as a link between the unit and the college departments. The problem was partly their use of the term "boss" and a generally different understanding of roles and the associated terminology here. The working relationships in the college are very informal, which leads to stunning inefficiencies but also nobody feels a need for clearly stated roles. Yet again, my criticisms, although largely valid I think, clouded my ability to see that how my colleagues work, works OK for them. So, now my role has become clearer and less complicated as I can focus on supporting and advising Meleshew and Mulugeta, instead of futilely trying to include Alemayehu.

The next challenge has been designing training for 2nd cycle Science teachers, but in a way that builds the capacity of the college staff in designing future training without VSO support. It's so easy to come up with what I think is a brilliant idea instead of working with a colleague to that the ideas are theirs.