Thursday, May 18, 2006

From the depths of frustration, intolerance and stress to the highs of satisfaction and pleasure, this week has had it all. My Higher Diploma Group finished the first module of the course and completed a self-assessment. They had to assess themselves as “Poor”, “Fair”, “Good” or “Excellent” in the areas of: Reflective Activities, Lesson Planning & Evaluation, Contributing to Group Work, Portfolio, and Attendance & Punctuality. I already knew from other Leaders’ experience that candidates tend to over-estimate their performance, and my group were no exception. The high point was one candidate (a very experienced teacher) who evaluated himself as “Excellent” in nearly all areas despite lesson evaluations with comments o summer school courses as well. Give me a call and let me know if anyone has time to chill out. K.I.T. everyone! Have a wonderful summer!